namespace App\Controller\Seo;
use App\Entity\Seo\SEOTasks;
use App\Entity\Seo\GPlaces;
use App\Entity\Seo\IntelQueue;
use App\Entity\Seo\CompetitorPivot;
use App\Entity\Seo\Locations;
use App\Entity\Fp\FPTasks;
use App\Form\SEOTasksType;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use App\Service\D4SeoService;
use App\Service\D4SeoReturns;
use App\Service\CommonService;
use App\Repository\Seo\FPTasksRepository;
class SEOTasksController extends AbstractController
public $logger;
public $d4seo;
public $d4return;
public $seoinfoLogger;
protected $d4SeoService;
protected $d4SeoReturns;
function __construct(CommonService $commonService, D4SeoService $d4SeoService, D4SeoReturns $d4SeoReturns, LoggerInterface $logger, LoggerInterface $seoinfoLogger, EntityManagerInterface $em) {
if(!strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/d4return/') && !strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/d4sheet/')) {
$custInfo = $commonService->custInfo();
$this->counts = $custInfo['counts'];
$this->userinfo = $custInfo['info'];
$this->seologger = $seoinfoLogger;
// $this->seologger->error("COME INFORMATION HERE - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
// $this->seologger->info("WHAT WERE DOING - ".__FUNCTION__."->businessDataStoreG");
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->d4seo = $d4SeoService;
$this->d4return = $d4SeoReturns;
$this->entityManager = $em;
* @Route("/seotasks", name="seotasks")
public function index(): Response
$content = json_decode($this->d4seo->getUserInfo());
$apinfo = $content->tasks[0]->result[0];
return $this->render('seo_tasks/seotasksmain.html.twig', [
'page_name' => 'SEO Tasks',
'breadcrumbs' => array('SEO Tasks' => '/seotasks', 'API Info' => '' ),
'user' => $this->userinfo,
'counts' => $this->counts,
'results' => $apinfo,
* @Route("/seotasks/businessdata/new", name="businessdata_new", methods={"GET","POST"})
public function bizdatanew(Request $request): Response
$seoTask = new SEOTasks();
$form = $this->createForm(SEOTasksType::class, $seoTask);
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$content = $request->request->all();
$params = (object) $content['seo_tasks'];
$taskinfo = (object) array(
'language_code' => $params->language_code,
'location_code' => $params->location_code,
'keyword' => trim($params->keyword),
'purpose' => $params->purpose,
'device' => $params->device,
'se_type' => 'gmbusiness',
'priority' => 2,
$result = $this->d4seo->businessData($taskinfo);
$mess = $result->status;
return $this->redirectToRoute('business_data', array('message' => $mess));
return $this->render('seo_tasks/newgmb.html.twig', [
'seo_tasks' => $seoTask,
'form' => $form->createView(),
'page_name' => 'New Task GMB Info',
'breadcrumbs' => array('SEO Tasks' => '/seotasks', 'GMB Info' => '/seotasks/businessdata/', 'New Task' => '' ),
'user' => $this->userinfo,
'counts' => $this->counts,
* @Route("/seotasks/businessmaps/new", name="businessmaps_new", methods={"GET","POST"})
public function bizmapsnew(Request $request): Response
$seoTask = new SEOTasks();
$form = $this->createForm(SEOTasksType::class, $seoTask);
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$content = $request->request->all();
$params = (object) $content['seo_tasks'];
$taskinfo = (object) array(
'language_code' => $params->language_code,
'location_code' => $params->location_code,
'keyword' => trim($params->keyword),
'purpose' => $params->purpose,
'device' => $params->device,
'se_type' => 'maps',
'priority' => 2,
$result = $this->d4seo->businessMaps($taskinfo);
$mess = $result->status;
return $this->redirectToRoute('business_maps', array('message' => $mess));
return $this->render('seo_tasks/newmaps.html.twig', [
'seo_tasks' => $seoTask,
'form' => $form->createView(),
'page_name' => 'New Task GMB Maps',
'breadcrumbs' => array('SEO Tasks' => '/seotasks', 'GMB Info' => '/seotasks/businessmaps/', 'New Task' => '' ),
'user' => $this->userinfo,
'counts' => $this->counts,
* @Route("/seotasks/businessdata", name="business_data")
* This is simply how to create a direct GMB task request. Returns business and several competitors
public function businessData(Request $request): Response
//$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
if($request->get('message')) {
$mess = $request->get('message');
} else {
$mess = '';
return $this->render('seo_tasks/bizdata.html.twig', [
'page_name' => 'GMB Info Tasks',
'breadcrumbs' => array('SEO Tasks' => '/seotasks', 'GMB Data' => '' ),
'user' => $this->userinfo,
'counts' => $this->counts,
'message' => $mess,
* @Route("/seotasks/businessmaps", name="business_maps")
* This is simply how to create a direct GMB task request. Returns business and several competitors
public function businessMaps(Request $request): Response
/*$postinfo = (object) array(
'language_code' => 'en',
'location_code' => '1025622',
'keyword' => 'plumbers',
'purpose' => 'discovery',
'device' => 'desktop',
'priority' => 2,
if(!$this->checkThirty($postinfo->keyword, $postinfo->location_code, 'maps', 'sent')) {
$taskinfo = $this->d4seo->businessMaps($postinfo);
} else {
$postinfo->status = "too soon to send";
$taskinfo = $postinfo;
if($request->get('message')) {
$mess = $request->get('message');
} else {
$mess = '';
return $this->render('seo_tasks/bizmaps.html.twig', [
'page_name' => 'Google Maps Tasks',
'breadcrumbs' => array('SEO Tasks' => '/seotasks', 'Maps Data' => '' ),
'user' => $this->userinfo,
'counts' => $this->counts,
'message' => $mess,
* @Route("/d4sheet/{api}/{se}/{function}/{report}/{d4taskid}/", name="seotasks_sheet", methods={"GET","POST"})
* Temporarily not in use, ignore errors.
public function task4sheet(string $api, string $se, string $function, string $report, string $d4taskid): Response
$thispost = file_get_contents('php://input');
$this->seologger->info("Sheet Returned Result ID: ".$d4taskid." - ".$api." / ".$se." / ".$function." - ".$thispost['status_code']." ".$thispost['status_message']." ");
$newtaskid = $this->d4seo->getUUID();
$task = $em->getRepository(SEOTasks::class)->findOneBy(array('d4id' => $d4taskid, 'status' => 'returned'));
if (!$task) {
$taskinfo->purpose = "discovery";
$taskinfo->task_id = $newtaskid;
$taskinfo->d4id = $d4taskid;
if($postinfo->status == 'sent') {
$postinfo->task_id = $task_id;
$taskback = (object) json_decode($content);
$taskback = $taskback->tasks[0];
$postinfo->d4id = $taskback->id;
$postinfo->api = $taskback->data->api;
$postinfo->function = $taskback->data->function;
$postinfo->se = $taskback->data->se;
$postinfo->se_type = 'gmbusiness';
$postinfo->device = $taskback->data->device;
$postinfo->os = $taskback->data->os;
if ($taskback->status_message == 'Task Created.') {
$postinfo->status = 'sent';
} else {
$postinfo->status = 'failed';
$postinfo->created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
* @Route("/d4return/{purpose}/{api}/{se}/{function}/{task_id}/", name="seotasks_return", methods={"GET","POST"})
public function taskreturn(string $purpose, string $api, string $se, string $function, string $task_id): Response
$thispost = file_get_contents('php://input');
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$seotask = $em->getRepository(SEOTasks::class)->findOneBy(array('task_id' => $task_id));
if (!$seotask) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException("Task Not Found With ID: {$task_id} - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
} else {
$d4taskid = $seotask->getD4id();
$purpose = $seotask->getPurpose();
if (!empty($thispost)) {
$postback = json_decode(gzdecode($thispost), true);
if (isset($postback['status_code'])) {
$this->seologger->info("D4API Returned Result ID: ".$purpose."/".$d4taskid."/".$task_id." - ".$api." / ".$se." / ".$function." - ".$postback['status_code']." ".$postback['status_message']." ");
$d4result = $postback;
} else {
// This is a MANUAL PULL. In other words this is check for D4Seo errors logged. It will fix lost returns.
if($function == 'my_business_info') {
$thispost = $this->d4seo->getFetchTask('/'.$api.'/'.$se.'/'.$function.'/task_get/'.$d4taskid);
} elseif($function == 'local_pack') {
$thispost = $this->d4seo->getFetchTask('/'.$api.'/'.$se.'/'.$function.'/task_get/regular/'.$d4taskid);
} elseif($function == 'maps') {
$thispost = $this->d4seo->getFetchTask('/'.$api.'/'.$se.'/'.$function.'/task_get/advanced/'.$d4taskid);
} elseif($function == 'reviews') {
$thispost = $this->d4seo->getFetchTask('/'.$api.'/'.$se.'/'.$function.'/task_get/'.$d4taskid);
} elseif($function == 'backlinkchk') {
$thispost = $this->d4seo->getFetchTask('/'.$api.'/'.$se.'/organic/task_get/regular/'.$d4taskid);
} else {
$thispost = $this->d4seo->getFetchTask('/'.$api.'/'.$se.'/'.$function.'/task_get/regular/'.$d4taskid);
if (empty($postback)) {
$this->seologger->info("Manual Fetch : ".$d4taskid."/".$task_id." - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$d4result = json_decode($thispost, true);
if(isset($d4result['tasks'][0]['result'])) {
$d4result = $d4result['tasks'][0]['result'];
} else {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$task = $em->getRepository(SEOTasks::class)->findOneBy(array('d4id' => $d4taskid));
$task->setStatus('not found');
if($purpose == 'footprint') {
$fptask = $em->getRepository(FPTasks::class)->findOneBy(array('uuid' => $task_id));
$fptask->setStatus('not found');
$this->seologger->error("Returning Task : ".$d4taskid."/".$task_id." - Returned no results- ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
return new Response();
if (isset($d4result[0]['items_count']) && ($function != 'backlinkchk') ) {
if (0 == $d4result[0]['items_count']) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$task = $em->getRepository(SEOTasks::class)->findOneBy(array('d4id' => $d4taskid));
$task->setStatus('not found');
if($purpose == 'footprint') {
$fptask = $em->getRepository(FPTasks::class)->findOneBy(array('uuid' => $task_id));
$fptask->setStatus('not found');
$this->seologger->error("Returning Task : ".$d4taskid."/".$task_id." - Returned no results - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
return new Response();
if('business_data' == $api) {
if('google' == $se) {
if('my_business_info' == $function)
{ $this->seologger->info("Transferring {$task_id} for {$purpose} to businessDataStoreG - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$this->businessDataStoreG($d4result, $d4taskid, $purpose); }
elseif('my_business_updates' == $function)
{ return new Response(); }
elseif('reviews' == $function)
{ $this->seologger->info("Transferring {$task_id} for {$purpose} to returningReviews - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$this->d4return->returningReviews($d4result, $d4taskid, $purpose, 'google'); }
} elseif('yelp' == $se) {
if('reviews' == $function)
{ return new Response(); }
} elseif('serp' == $api) {
if('google' == $se) {
if('organic' == $function)
{ $this->seologger->info("Transferring {$task_id} for {$purpose} to returningOrganics - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$this->d4return->returningOrganics($d4result, $d4taskid, $purpose, 'google'); }
elseif('maps' == $function)
{ $this->seologger->info("Transferring {$task_id} for {$purpose} to returningMapSerp - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$this->d4return->returningMapSerp($d4result, $d4taskid, $purpose, 'google'); }
elseif('backlinkchk' == $function)
{ $this->seologger->info("Transferring {$task_id} for {$purpose} to returningBacklinkChk - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$this->d4return->returningBacklinkChk($d4result, $d4taskid, $purpose, 'google'); }
elseif('news' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('images' == $function)
{ return ''; }
} elseif('bing' == $se) {
if('organic' == $function)
{ $this->seologger->info("Transferring {$task_id} for {$purpose} to returningOrganics - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$this->d4return->returningOrganics($d4result, $d4taskid, $purpose, 'bing'); }
elseif('local_pack' == $function)
{ $this->seologger->info("Transferring {$task_id} for {$purpose} to returningMapSerp - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$this->d4return->returningMapSerp($d4result, $d4taskid, $purpose, 'bing'); }
elseif('backlinkchk' == $function)
{ $this->seologger->info("Transferring {$task_id} for {$purpose} to returningBacklinkChk - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$this->d4return->returningBacklinkChk($d4result, $d4taskid, $purpose, 'bing'); }
} elseif('yahoo' == $se) {
if('organic' == $function)
{ $this->seologger->info("Transferring {$task_id} for {$purpose} to returningOrganics - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$this->d4return->returningOrganics($d4result, $d4taskid, $purpose, 'yahoo'); }
} elseif('reviews' == $api) {
if('google' == $se)
{ return ''; }
elseif('yelp' == $se)
{ return ''; }
} elseif('keywords_data' == $api) {
if('google' == $se) {
if('search_volume' == $function)
{ $this->d4return->returningVolumes($d4result, $d4taskid, $purpose, 'google'); }
elseif('keywords_for_site' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('keywords_for_keywords' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('keywords_for_category' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('ad_traffic_by_keywords' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('ad_traffic_by_platforms' == $function)
{ return ''; }
} elseif('google_trends' == $se) {
if('explore' == $function)
{ return ''; }
} elseif('bing' == $se) {
if('search_volume' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('keywords_for_site' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('keywords_for_keywords' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('keywords_for_category' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('keyword_performance' == $function)
{ return ''; }
} elseif('merchant' == $api) {
if('google' == $se) {
if('products' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('sellers' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('product_spec' == $function)
{ return ''; }
} elseif('amazon' == $se) {
if('products' == $function)
{ return ''; }
elseif('asin' == $function)
{ return ''; }
} elseif('on_page' == $api) {
if('ping' == $se) {
if('back' == $function)
{ return ''; }
return new Response('Success', 200, array('Content-Type' => 'text/html'));
public function businessDataStoreG($d4result, $d4taskid, $purpose) {
// This guy will process and store GMB Business and GMB Map Serps
$taskready = explode('-', $d4taskid);
$itemcount = $d4result[0]['items_count'];
$keyword = $d4result[0]['keyword'];
if($itemcount >= 1 && isset($d4result[0]['items'][0]['cid']) && !empty($d4result[0]['items'][0]['title']))
$folder = 'data/gmb/'.substr($taskready[4], 0, 2);
$filename = $folder.'/'.$taskready[4].'-gmbadvanced.json';
if(!is_dir($_ENV["HOMEDIR"].'/'.$folder)) {
mkdir($_ENV["HOMEDIR"].'/'.$folder, 0766, true );
if(file_exists($_ENV["HOMEDIR"].'/'.$filename)) {
$this->seologger->info("Updating {$filename} - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
} else {
$this->seologger->info("Saving {$filename} - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
file_put_contents($_ENV["HOMEDIR"].'/'.$filename, json_encode($d4result));
} else {
$this->seologger->error("Task {$d4taskid} had no resulting items - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$task = $em->getRepository(SEOTasks::class)->findOneBy(array('d4id' => $d4taskid));
if(isset($task)) {
$this->seologger->info("Removing task {$d4taskid} - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$intel = $em->getRepository(IntelQueue::class)->json_like($keyword);
if(isset($intel)) {
$this->seologger->info("Removing intel queue {$keyword} - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$check_url = $d4result[0]['check_url'];
$location_code = $d4result[0]['location_code'];
$this->seologger->info("Keyword '{$keyword}' - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
foreach($d4result[0]['items'] as $item) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
if(isset($item['cid']) && $item['cid'] >= 1) {
$place = $em->getRepository(Gplaces::class)->findOneBy(array('cid' => $item['cid']));
} else {
$this->seologger->error("Keyword '{$keyword}' for task {$d4taskid} had no CID - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$task = $em->getRepository(SEOTasks::class)->findOneBy(array('d4id' => $d4taskid));
if(isset($task)) {
$this->seologger->info("Removing task {$d4taskid} - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
$intel = $em->getRepository(IntelQueue::class)->json_like($keyword);
if(isset($intel)) {
$this->seologger->info("Removing intel queue {$keyword} - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
if (!$place && isset($item['cid'])) {
$place = new Gplaces();
$recheck = 0;
$this->seologger->info("Adding NEW Place '{$item['title']}' {$item['cid']} - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
if(isset($item['latitude']) && isset($item['latitude'])) {
} else {
$recheck = 1;
if(isset($item['address'])) {
$address_all = file_get_contents('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyAbTq8g-XSRuqwjMltfCKf1BI-PziP_ym0&address='.urlencode($item['address']));
if(isset($address_all)) {
$rawaddy = json_decode($address_all, TRUE);
if($rawaddy['status'] != 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT' && $rawaddy['status'] != 'ZERO_RESULTS') {
$rawaddy = $rawaddy['results'][0];
if($recheck == 1 && isset($item['address']) && isset($rawaddy['results'][0])) {
if(isset($rawaddy['geometry']['location']['lat']) && isset($rawaddy['geometry']['location']['lng'])) {
if(isset($rawaddy['results'][0])) {
$bestlocation = $this->getLocCode($rawaddy,$location_code);
} else {
$rawaddy = $place->getAddressAll();
$bestlocation = $location_code;
if(!empty($item['address'])) {
if(isset($item['additional_categories'])) {
if(!empty($item['phone'])) {
if($item['url']) {
if(isset($item['rating'])) {
if(isset($item['rating']['rating_max'])) {
$check_url = "https://www.google.com/maps?cid=".$item['cid']."&hl=en&gl=US";
if(isset($item['description'])) {
if(isset($item['logo'])) {
if(isset($item['attributes'])) {
if(isset($item['people_also_search'])) {
$place->setModified(\DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
$task = $em->getRepository(SEOTasks::class)->findOneBy(array('d4id' => $d4taskid));
if(isset($item['people_also_search'])) {
$complist = array();
foreach($item['people_also_search'] as $competitor) {
// First check if we already know about the listing via CID. If not we add the listing to the IntelQueue
// so tasks can be created over time. Not right away for sure. Reminder: $130 reasons why not, lol.
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
if(!empty($competitor['title']) && !empty($competitor['cid'])) {
$cid = (string) $competitor['cid'];
$cidcheck = $em->getRepository(GPlaces::class)->doesGPlaceExist($cid);
if (!$cidcheck) {
$more = array(
'language_code' => 'en',
'se' => 'google',
'location_code' => $location_code,
'keyword' => $competitor['title'],
'cid' => $competitor['cid'],
'purpose' => $purpose,
$qinfo = (object) array(
'purpose' => $purpose,
'location_code' => $location_code,
'actionapi' => 'business_data',
'function' => 'my_business_info',
'content' => $competitor['title'],
'more' => json_encode($more),
$this->seologger->info("Storing intel queue for '{$competitor['title']}' {$competitor['cid']} - ".__FUNCTION__." ".__LINE__);
array_push($complist, $competitor['cid']);
$cpivot = $em->getRepository(CompetitorPivot::class)->findOneBy(array('cid' => $item['cid']));
if (!$cpivot) {
$cpivot = new CompetitorPivot();
} else {
if(is_array($cpivot->getCompCids())) {
$complist = array_unique(array_merge($complist, json_decode($cpivot->getCompCids())), SORT_REGULAR);
} else {
$complist = array();
private function getLocCode($addyin, $current) {
$key = 'United States';
foreach($addyin['address_components'] as $component) {
if (in_array('locality', $component['types'])) {
$city = $component['short_name'];
} elseif (in_array('administrative_area_level_1', $component['types'])) {
$state = $component['long_name'];
} elseif (in_array('postal_code', $component['types'])) {
$zipcode = $component['short_name'];
if (isset($city)) {
$key= $city.','; }
if (isset($state)) {
$key.= $state.','; }
$key.='United States';
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$location = $em->getRepository(Locations::class)->findOneBy(array('location_name' => $key));
if (!$location && $zipcode) {
$location = $em->getRepository(Locations::class)->findOneBy(array('location_name' => $zipcode.','.$state.',United States')); }
if($location) {
return $location->getLocationCode();
} else {
return $current;