
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 default / Path does not match
14 disc_events /disc/events Path does not match
15 disc_api_events /disc/api/events Path does not match
16 disc_cron_events /disc/cron/events Path does not match
17 return_console_events /console-api/events Path does not match
18 disc_find_gasoline /disc/cron/gasoline Path does not match
19 disc_test_gasoline /disc/cron/gasoline/test Path does not match
20 f_p_backlinks_index /footprints/backlinks/ Path does not match
21 footprints_backlinks_get /footprints/backlinks/backlinksget.php Path does not match
22 f_p_backlinks_show /footprints/backlinks/{id} Path does not match
23 f_p_backlinks_edit /footprints/backlinks/{id}/edit Path does not match
24 f_p_backlinks_delete /footprints/backlinks/{id} Path does not match
25 f_p_extras_index /footprints/extras/ Path does not match
26 f_p_extras_new /footprints/extras/new Path does not match
27 f_p_extras_show /footprints/extras/{id} Path does not match
28 f_p_extras_edit /footprints/extras/{id}/edit Path does not match
29 f_p_extras_delete /footprints/extras/{id} Path does not match
30 fprankings_index /fprankings/ Path does not match
31 fprankings_new /fprankings/new Path does not match
32 fprankings_show /fprankings/{id} Path does not match
33 fprankings_edit /fprankings/{id}/edit Path does not match
34 fprankings_delete /fprankings/{id} Path does not match
35 footprints_reports_index /footprints/reports/ Path does not match
36 footprints_reports_get /footprints/reports/reportsget.php Path does not match
37 footprints_reports_new /footprints/reports/new Path does not match
38 footprints_reports_show /footprints/reports/{id} Path does not match
39 footprints_reports_result /footprints/reports/{id}/result Path does not match
40 footprints_reports_edit /footprints/reports/{id}/edit Path does not match
41 footprints_reports_delete /footprints/reports/{id} Path does not match
42 footprints_serps_index /footprints/serps/ Path does not match
43 footprints_serps_get /footprints/serps/serpsget.php Path does not match
44 footprints_serps_result /footprints/serps/{id}/result Path does not match
45 footprints_serps_showresult /footprints/serps/{id}/showresult/ Path does not match
46 footprints_serps_show /footprints/serps/{id} Path does not match
47 footprints_serps_edit /footprints/serps/{id}/edit Path does not match
48 footprints_serps_delete /footprints/serps/{id} Path does not match
49 footprints_tasks_index /footprints/tasks/ Path does not match
50 footprints_tasks_get /footprints/tasks/tasksget.php Path does not match
51 footprints_tasks_new /footprints/tasks/new Path does not match
52 footprints_tasks_result /footprints/tasks/{id}/result Path does not match
53 footprints_tasks_show /footprints/tasks/{id} Path does not match
54 footprints_tasks_edit /footprints/tasks/{id}/edit Path does not match
55 footprints_tasks_delete /footprints/tasks/{id} Path does not match
56 footprints_tests_index /footprints/tests/ Path does not match
57 footprints_tests_get /footprints/tests/testsget.php Path does not match
58 footprints_tests_new /footprints/tests/new Path does not match
59 footprints_tests_result /footprints/tests/{id}/result Path does not match
60 footprints_tests_show /footprints/tests/{id} Path does not match
61 footprints_tests_edit /footprints/tests/{id}/edit Path does not match
62 footprints_tests_delete /footprints/tests/{id} Path does not match
63 f_p_volumes_index /footprints/volumes/ Path does not match
64 f_p_volumes_new /footprints/volumes/new Path does not match
65 f_p_volumes_show /footprints/volumes/{id} Path does not match
66 f_p_volumes_edit /footprints/volumes/{id}/edit Path does not match
67 f_p_volumes_delete /footprints/volumes/{id} Path does not match
68 app_fp_footprints_sendfootprint /footprints/emailtest Path does not match
69 app_fp_footprints_sendinblue /footprints/sendinblue Path does not match
70 footprints /footprints/ Path does not match
71 certtest /footprints/certtest Path does not match
72 modalonly /footprints/modalonly/{fptoken} Path does not match
73 footprints_archives_get /footprints/archivesget.php Path does not match
74 footprints-archives /footprints/archives.html Path does not match
75 footprints_report_result /footprints/{uuid}/report Path does not match
76 footprints-leads /footprints/leads.html Path does not match
77 return_remote_getioninfo /sswremote/getioninfo/{cid}/ Path does not match
78 return_remote_generalinfo /sswremote/simpleaudit/{cid}/ Path does not match
79 get_info_nameloc /sswremote/gsq-bizinfobynameloc/ Path does not match
80 articles /articles Path does not match
81 articletrends /articles/trends.html Path does not match
82 articlefeeds /articles/feeds.html Path does not match
83 auditing /auditing Path does not match
84 auditingcompetitor /auditing/competitor.html Path does not match
85 auditingonpage /auditing/onpage.html Path does not match
86 auditingerrorpages /auditing/pageswitherrors.html Path does not match
87 campaigns /campaigns/ Path does not match
88 campaign-rankings /campaigns/rankings.html Path does not match
89 campaigns-competitors /campaigns/competitors.html Path does not match
90 campaigns-competitorslocal /campaigns/competitors-local.html Path does not match
91 campaigns-competitordiscover /campaigns/competitordiscovery.html Path does not match
92 campaigns-competitordiscoverlocal /campaigns/competitordiscovery-local.html Path does not match
93 campaigns-rankingpages /campaigns/rankingpages.html Path does not match
94 campaigns-pageswitherrors /campaigns/pageswitherrors.html Path does not match
95 campaigns-localseo /campaigns/localseo.html Path does not match
96 campaigns-reviews /campaigns/reviews.html Path does not match
97 campaigns-citations /campaigns/citations.html Path does not match
98 campaigns-recommendlocal /campaigns/recommend-local.html Path does not match
99 discovery /discovery/ Path does not match
100 discoverylocations /discovery/locations.html Path does not match
101 discoverycategories /discovery/categories.html Path does not match
102 discovery_tasks /discovery/taskqueue.html Path does not match
103 discovery_tasks_get /discovery/taskqueueget.php Path does not match
104 discovery_tasks_new /discovery/taskqueue/new Path does not match
105 discovery_tasks_edit /discovery/taskqueue/{id}/edit Path does not match
106 discoverynews /discovery/news.html Path does not match
107 discoveryfuel /discovery/fuel.html Path does not match
108 discoverylistings /discovery/listings.html Path does not match
109 discoverylistings_show /discovery/listings/{id}/view Path does not match
110 discovery_gsapi_listings /discovery/gsapi.html Path does not match
111 discovery_gsapi_geo /discovery/gsapi/geo/{lat}/{lng}/{rad}/ Path does not match
112 discovery_gsapi_listings_show /discovery/gsapi/{id}/view Path does not match
113 listingmatch_gsapiset /discovery/gsapimatch/set/{id}/{gsapi} Path does not match
114 listingmatch_gsapi /discovery/gsapimatch/{id}/gsapi Path does not match
115 discovery_gsapi_get /discovery/gsapilistget.php Path does not match
116 discovery_gplaces_get /discovery/gplacesget.php Path does not match
117 discoveryevents /discovery/events.html Path does not match
118 discoveryqueue /discovery/queue.html Path does not match
119 g_drive_index /g/drive/ Path does not match
120 g_drive_new /g/drive/new Path does not match
121 g_drive_show /g/drive/{id} Path does not match
122 g_drive_edit /g/drive/{id}/edit Path does not match
123 g_drive_delete /g/drive/{id} Path does not match
124 gplaces_index /gplaces/ Path does not match
125 gplaces_new /gplaces/new Path does not match
126 gplaces_show /gplaces/{id} Path does not match
127 gplaces_edit /gplaces/{id}/edit Path does not match
128 gplaces_delete /gplaces/{id} Path does not match
129 gmb_reviews_index /gmb/reviews/ Path does not match
130 gmb_reviews_new /gmb/reviews/new Path does not match
131 gmb_reviews_show /gmb/reviews/{id} Path does not match
132 gmb_reviews_edit /gmb/reviews/{id}/edit Path does not match
133 gmb_reviews_delete /gmb/reviews/{id} Path does not match
134 gsapi_client /gsapi/client Path does not match
135 kwrankings_index /kwrankings/ Path does not match
136 kwrankings_new /kwrankings/new Path does not match
137 kwrankings_show /kwrankings/{id} Path does not match
138 kwrankings_edit /kwrankings/{id}/edit Path does not match
139 kwrankings_delete /kwrankings/{id} Path does not match
140 research /research Path does not match
141 researchkwsuggest /research/kwsuggestions.html Path does not match
142 researchkwrelated /research/related.html Path does not match
143 researchtfidf /research/tf-idf.html Path does not match
144 seo_live /seolive Path does not match
145 seo_live_city /seolive-getcity/{city}/{state}/ Path does not match
146 seotasks /seotasks Path does not match
147 businessdata_new /seotasks/businessdata/new Path does not match
148 businessmaps_new /seotasks/businessmaps/new Path does not match
149 business_data /seotasks/businessdata Path does not match
150 business_maps /seotasks/businessmaps Path does not match
151 seotasks_sheet /d4sheet/{api}/{se}/{function}/{report}/{d4taskid}/ Path does not match
152 seotasks_return /d4return/{purpose}/{api}/{se}/{function}/{task_id}/ Path does not match
153 seoassets /seoassets Path does not match
154 seoassetsarticles /seoassets/articles.html Path does not match
155 seoassetssheets /seoassets/sheets.html Path does not match
156 seoassetskmlmaps /seoassets/kmlmaps.html Path does not match
157 administer /administer Path does not match
158 administerusers /administer/users.html Path does not match
159 administermessageall /administer/messageall.html Path does not match
160 administersystems /administer/systems.html Path does not match
161 administerconnections /administer/connections.html Path does not match
162 administertaskqueue /administer/taskqueue.html Path does not match
163 api_login /api/login Path does not match
164 cronsdaily /crons/sswtr34IruV98/daily/ Path does not match
165 cronsweekly /crons/sswtr34IruV98/weekly/ Path does not match
166 cronsmonthly /crons/sswtr34IruV98/monthly/ Path does not match
167 cronshourly /crons/sswtr34IruV98/hourly/ Path does not match
168 crons3hourly /crons/sswtr34IruV98/3hourly/ Path does not match
169 crons6hourly /crons/sswtr34IruV98/6hourly/ Path does not match
170 crons12hourly /crons/sswtr34IruV98/12hourly/ Path does not match
171 cronbuildtests /crons/sswtr34IruV98/tests Path does not match
172 messaging /messaging Path does not match
173 archived /messaging/archived.html Path does not match
174 notifications /messaging/notifications.html Path does not match
175 registration /registration Path does not match
176 app_login /login Path does not match
177 app_logout /logout Path does not match
178 user /user Path does not match
179 usersettings /user/settings.html Path does not match
180 useractivity /user/activity.html Path does not match
181 wapi_login /whmcs/api/login Path does not match
182 wapi_api /whmcs/api Path does not match
183 wapi_api_createaccount /whmcs/api/createaccount Path does not match
184 whmcs /whmcs Path does not match
185 api_entrypoint /api/{index}.{_format} Path does not match
186 api_doc /api/docs.{_format} Path does not match
187 api_graphql_entrypoint /api/graphql Path does not match
188 api_graphql_graphiql /api/graphql/graphiql Path does not match
189 api_graphql_graphql_playground /api/graphql/graphql_playground Path does not match
190 api_jsonld_context /api/contexts/{shortName}.{_format} Path does not match
191 api_g_places_get_collection /api/g_places.{_format} Path does not match
192 api_g_places_post_collection /api/g_places.{_format} Path does not match
193 api_g_places_get_item /api/g_places/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
194 api_g_places_delete_item /api/g_places/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
195 api_g_places_put_item /api/g_places/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
196 api_g_places_patch_item /api/g_places/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
197 api_gmb_reviews_get_collection /api/gmb_reviews.{_format} Path does not match
198 api_gmb_reviews_post_collection /api/gmb_reviews.{_format} Path does not match
199 api_gmb_reviews_get_item /api/gmb_reviews/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
200 api_gmb_reviews_delete_item /api/gmb_reviews/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
201 api_gmb_reviews_put_item /api/gmb_reviews/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
202 api_gmb_reviews_patch_item /api/gmb_reviews/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
203 index / Path does not match
204 wapi_login_check /whcms/api/login_check Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.